The Social Scoop
Digital Marketing; from a Social Media perspective.

How often should you post on Social Media?
Platforms and algorithms have changed greatly over the past 10 years, but our answer to this question remains the same.

Unlocking the positive power of our digital connections
Social media, when used mindfully, can be a powerful force for good. It helps us stay connected, find support, express ourselves, and even make a difference in the world. The key is to remember that balance is crucial - so don't forget to take a break and enjoy the offline world too!

FAKE CLOUT: The pitfalls of buying Instagram followers
In today's digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for personal expression, brand promotion, and building an online presence. Instagram, with its ever-increasing popularity, offers individuals and businesses a unique opportunity to engage with a vast audience. However, some individuals resort to purchasing Instagram followers in an attempt to quickly boost their follower count and enhance their perceived influence. In this blog post, we will discuss why buying Instagram followers can have detrimental effects on your account's authenticity, engagement, and overall reputation.

Authenticity - What does it mean?
According to Forbes, brand authenticity is a driving factor for 90% of millennial consumers when it comes to purchasing decisions. Millennials and Gen Z put more value on seeing online content that reflects unpolished reality, as opposed to the heavily branded, high-curated highlight reel of someone’s life on their social media platforms. It makes sense that this preference applies to their perception of advertising.

The forgotten key of writing copy
In the 1960s, marketing giant Ed Mayer developed the 40-40-20 rule for direct marketing, revolutionising the industry. However, people have since been trying to discover something new without remembering why it worked so well in the first place.

The differences between Instagram & Facebook
It goes without saying that although Facebook and Instagram are both owned by Meta, they each have their unique differences that brands and businesses need to be mindful of when it comes to creating content for those platforms. Brands and businesses need to ensure that the experiences they are providing for their audience feel at home on those specific apps, as each has its own communication style.