The Social Scoop
Digital Marketing; from a Social Media perspective.

Authenticity - What does it mean?
According to Forbes, brand authenticity is a driving factor for 90% of millennial consumers when it comes to purchasing decisions. Millennials and Gen Z put more value on seeing online content that reflects unpolished reality, as opposed to the heavily branded, high-curated highlight reel of someone’s life on their social media platforms. It makes sense that this preference applies to their perception of advertising.

How to rebrand your Facebook page
If you run your own business, you will know that things change – ALL the time! To keep up with developments or stay in line with your offerings, you may choose to re-brand or rename your business at some stage. We won't go into reasons you may choose to rebrand, but once the decision is made, you need to tie up loose ends, including getting your social media channels in line.