The Social Scoop
Digital Marketing; from a Social Media perspective.

How often should you post on Social Media?
Platforms and algorithms have changed greatly over the past 10 years, but our answer to this question remains the same.

Unlocking the positive power of our digital connections
Social media, when used mindfully, can be a powerful force for good. It helps us stay connected, find support, express ourselves, and even make a difference in the world. The key is to remember that balance is crucial - so don't forget to take a break and enjoy the offline world too!

Launching your brand website
Knowing what to build into a brand new website can be daunting, but Clique has the quick tips to make it as easy as pie.

FAKE CLOUT: The pitfalls of buying Instagram followers
In today's digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for personal expression, brand promotion, and building an online presence. Instagram, with its ever-increasing popularity, offers individuals and businesses a unique opportunity to engage with a vast audience. However, some individuals resort to purchasing Instagram followers in an attempt to quickly boost their follower count and enhance their perceived influence. In this blog post, we will discuss why buying Instagram followers can have detrimental effects on your account's authenticity, engagement, and overall reputation.

Meta Lead Gen Ads: Your Business’s Wingman
Are your business leads drying up faster than the middle of Australia? We've got just the thing for you: Meta lead generation ads. What the are those, you ask? Well, let us break it down for you with an analogy. Think of Meta lead generation ads as the ultimate wing woman (or wingman, we don't discriminate) for your social media marketing efforts.
These handy little ad types are designed to help you collect contact information from potential customers without them even having to leave the platform. That's right, we're talking about convenient, non-intrusive lead generation at its finest.

Authenticity - What does it mean?
According to Forbes, brand authenticity is a driving factor for 90% of millennial consumers when it comes to purchasing decisions. Millennials and Gen Z put more value on seeing online content that reflects unpolished reality, as opposed to the heavily branded, high-curated highlight reel of someone’s life on their social media platforms. It makes sense that this preference applies to their perception of advertising.

Beating Meta Ad Rejection
We break down some of the ways your Meta Ad could be rejected and how best to avoid it.

Who will be social platform king in 2023?
Critical data on how Australians use social platforms indicate what platforms need to be part of your 2023 marketing plans.

The forgotten key of writing copy
In the 1960s, marketing giant Ed Mayer developed the 40-40-20 rule for direct marketing, revolutionising the industry. However, people have since been trying to discover something new without remembering why it worked so well in the first place.

Calling in a Instagram Influencer
Using Instagram Influencers can boost your digital marketing significantly, but how do you factor them in and what to expect?

Growing your Instagram account
Looking to attract a bigger audience on Instagram? Who isn’t?! Here are our tips on building your account and hitting those marketing goals.

Conversion objective for Facebook Ads
When running Facebook ads, if you make sure you are running the correct conversion objective, you will have a more successful campaign.

5 reasons to hire a social media professional today…
A social media professional might be initially low on the priority list when bringing your company or brand online. However, after just a few moments of “playing around” in the social media sandbox, you can quickly understand why a social media professional is a must-have part of your digital toolbox.

Why aren’t my facebook ads working anymore?!
Have you been running Facebook campaigns for a while now? You may have noticed some BIG changes in “return” over the last 12ish months. Does this mean that Facebook Advertising is dead? Not exactly. Don’t give up just yet; let us clarify a few things.
What’s changed and how to navigate it…

Facebook Ads - Link Clicks Vs Landing Page Views
When setting up a Facebook campaign, two of the optimisations available are "Link Clicks" and "Landing Page Views" (among many others). We've chosen these two objectives to highlight today as they are often confused; and the confusion can lead to an incorrect comparison of data between campaigns.

The differences between Instagram & Facebook
It goes without saying that although Facebook and Instagram are both owned by Meta, they each have their unique differences that brands and businesses need to be mindful of when it comes to creating content for those platforms. Brands and businesses need to ensure that the experiences they are providing for their audience feel at home on those specific apps, as each has its own communication style.

CBO - Campaign Budget Optimisation EXPLAINED
You might see CBO and think that it's a new government organisation, but it is instead one of the best ways to increase your Facebook campaigns. Facebook advertising now offers a CBO option on campaigns with more than one ad set. The idea is that you set an overall campaign budget, set up multiple ad sets within this, and the algorithm will filter the budget through the best-performing audiences and creatives to get the biggest bang for your buck!

How to rebrand your Facebook page
If you run your own business, you will know that things change – ALL the time! To keep up with developments or stay in line with your offerings, you may choose to re-brand or rename your business at some stage. We won't go into reasons you may choose to rebrand, but once the decision is made, you need to tie up loose ends, including getting your social media channels in line.